Set The Return Value Of Meteor JS Helper, Inject This Dynamically Into Template
Solution 1:
Assuming this html:
{{> buttons}}
<template name="buttons">
{{#each testButtons }}
<button id="{{ name }}">{{ name }}</button>
You can get it to work with this implementation:
testButtons: function() {
var words = UI._templateInstance().state.get('words');
return, function(word) {
return {name: word};
Template.buttons.rendered = function() {
var words = $('h1').map(function() {
return $(this).text();
this.state.set('words', _.uniq(words));
Template.buttons.created = function() {
this.state = new ReactiveDict;
Note you will need to do: meteor add reactive-dict
When the buttons
template is created is initializes its own internal reactive state. After it is rendered, it fills that state with the text from all of the h1
tags on the page. Because that state is reactive, it will then cause the testButtons
to run and return the correctly formatted data to your template. Please see my post on Scoped Reactivity for more details.
Because the buttons
template uses scoped reactivity, it can be used as many times as you like on any page without modification to the parent template.
Solution 2:
Whilst it's not totally clear to me why you're trying to parse the content of a table and then render it in another table (this is what you're trying to do, isn't it?), the basic principle is as follows:
Your template will rerender when any of its reactive dependencies change. So that means that you need to either:
- store the array in question in a structure which is reactive by design (so either the minimongo, i.e the client side database), or else a Session variable.
- use a separate (reactive) variable which just tells the template it needs to rerender at the right times.
The latter is probably less good from the perspective of app structure, but easiest to exemplify:
var renderDep = new Deps.Dependency(),
words = [];
UI.registerHelper('testButtons', function () {
return words;
And then whenever you call:
$( 'h1' ).map(function () {
words = [];
uniqStrings = _.uniq(words);
Make sure you call:
immediately afterwards, and all its dependencies (i.e. the template helper) will rerun and return the new words
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