AngularJs Dynamic Download From Response
I have written a directive based on Scott's answer. You'd use it like so:
So essentially the generic alias created to encapsulate saveBlob
functionality, which should be permissible, prevents msSaveBlob
from working as expected:
var saveBlob = navigator.msSaveBlob || navigator.webkitSaveBlob || navigator.mozSaveBlob || navigator.saveBlob;
So the work around is to test for msSaveBlob
navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename);
else {
// Try using other saveBlob implementations, if available
var saveBlob = navigator.webkitSaveBlob || navigator.mozSaveBlob || navigator.saveBlob;
if(saveBlob === undefined) throw "Not supported";
saveBlob(blob, filename);
So the msSaveBlob
method works, as long as you don't alias the function. Perhaps it's a security precaution - but then perhaps a security exception would have been more appropriate, though I think it is most likely a flaw, considering the source. :)
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