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Javascript - Prevent Function From Executing Multiple Times

I have a function which is executed on a click (or taphold) because I am working with Cordova. The problem is that a function calls on the next object from which shows i

Solution 1:

You are experiencing "bounce", a problem caused by one impact registering multiple times in short succession. To get around it, you need to put a very short timeout on your function. (20ms or so) You can either use a third-party library such as LoDash which has many useful utility functions such as _.debounce which performs this, or you can do it yourself like this:

var lastClick = 0;
var delay = 20;

function doClick() {
  if (lastClick >= ( - delay))
  lastClick =;

  // do things
<button onclick="doClick()">Push me</button>

Solution 2:

This is a similar code that I use regularly.

const delay = 500; // anti-rebound for 500ms
let lastExecution = 0;

function myFunction(){
    if ((lastExecution + delay) <{
       // execute my lines
       lastExecution = 

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