How To Have Entire Item In Qualtrics Remain In Position When Scrolling?
I am presenting an image embedded in a descriptive text item, followed by several questions about that image. I would like that item to remain in place while the participant scroll
Solution 1:
You can use a spacer element to align the starting height of other elements. For example:
<div class = "image">
<img src="LOCATION OF IMAGE FILE" width="395px" height="395px"/>
<div class = "image_spacer">
This is a spacer element
position: fixed;
background: white;
z-index: 1000;
height: 395px;
visibility: hidden;
Visually speaking, I may recommend adding a width of 100% to your image div as well, so that other elements are fully covered when you scroll.
To fix at the top on scroll, do the following:
<div class = "image">
<img src="IMAGE LOCATION HERE" width="395px" height="395px"/>
<div class = "image_spacer">
This is a spacer element
background: white;
z-index: 1000;
position: fixed;
height: 395px;
visibility: hidden;
In addition, add this to the JavaScript for the question:
var space = $$('.image')[0].cumulativeOffset().top;
window.addEventListener("scroll", function(){
if( document.body.scrollTop > space){
Solution 2:
Did you try using the Text/Graphic option?
As I am seeing no problem if I add an image that way, and the survey questions are in their place, check the image below for reference.
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