Check A Checkbox In An Html Page With Python 3.5 & Selenium
I am trying to select all checkboxes that appear on an HTML page with Python 3.5 and Selenium. The final goal is obviously to manipulate them, but I can't even manage to select the
Solution 1:
I'm also not sure if that page has frames, but I usually do it this way.
before I scrape elements. Then I use this function to query the element.
defget_element(by_arg, by_method=By.ID):
return WebDriverWait(driver, MAX_TIMEOUT).until(
EC.presence_of_element_located((by_method, by_arg))
so for your case it would be.
check_box = get_element(".//input[@type='checkbox']", By.XPATH)
Solution 2:
You were indeed right, the correct iframe was not chosen and so I wasn't able to interact with its checkboxes.
driver.switch_to.frame(driver.find_element_by_id('catFrame')) driver.find_element_by_css_selector('div.idtTopSm tr input').click()
But do you know why the page still doesn't "listen" to the checkbox click? I mean, the blue button is supposed to turn blue and be "clickable" once a checkbox has been clicked.
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