Got Duplicated Data When Subscribe Multiple Times
I am using MongoDB aggregation in meteor. I got duplicated data when subscribe multiple times. (The data in database are static, which means they are same all the time.) // Server
Solution 1:
The problem is that you are using a random id each time in the call to added
so the client always thinks all of the documents are unique. You need to devise a consistent id string generator. Using an answer to this question, you could imagine building a set of functions like these:
hashCode = function (s) {
return s.split('').reduce(function (a, b) {
a = ((a << 5) - a) + b.charCodeAt(0);return a & a;
}, 0);
objectToHash = function (obj) {
So if you wanted a unique document for each combination of code
and hour
you could do this:
var id = objectToHash(r._id);
this.added('totalNumber', id, {...});
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