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Controller Being Called Twice In Ionic (angularjs)

In my angular project the user accepts a EULA then get automatically redirected to their dashboard, however, on this redirect the DashboardController seems to be being called twice

Solution 1:

If you are using ui-router you don't have to use ng-controller. You have used it in your dashboard.html, another is generated by ui-router - that's why it is hit twice.

Solution 2:

Ok so after a long time debugging and check stuff out, I found out that it was an issue relating to the Nav Bar in ionic, essentially, I was calling <ui-view></ui-view> & <ion-nav-view></ion-nav-view> on the same page, so basically doubling up on my views which in turn was calling the controller twice.

Solution 3:

I know this has been answered already as well, but I wanted to add my fix for the exact same problem.

My controllers were also being called twice, but in my case I had to comment out the ng-controller settings in various files:

My config function in the main app.js

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
        .state('splash', {
            url: "/",
            templateUrl: "app/splash/splash.html"// controller: 'SplashCtrl'

Since I was already calling it in the markup:

<ion-viewview-title="TickerTags"ng-controller="SplashCtrl as splash"><ion-contentclass="splash">

The controller key inside of my Directives

    .module('tagsPanelDirective', [])
    .controller('TagsPanelCtrl', TagsPanelCtrl)
    .directive('tagsPanel', tagsPanel);

functiontagsPanel() {
    var directive = {
        templateUrl: "app/tags/tagsPanel.html",
        restrict: "E",
        replace: true,
        bindToController: true,
        // controller: 'TagsPanelCtrl as tagsPanel',
        link: link,
        scope: false
    return directive;
    functionlink(scope, element, attrs) {}

Again since I was already calling it from within the template markup:

<section class="tags-panel" ng-controller="TagsPanelCtrl as tagsPanel">

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