Stop Angularjs From Creating New Controller/$scope Cache And Use Cached One
Solution 1:
In AngularJS, $scope
is not meant to hold data that persists across your application. For that, you want to use a service that is injected into both controllers. If you provide more detail on what data you're missing across routes, I would be happy to revise this answer to include something a little more actionable.
In re your PS: You can inject the $route
service to get information about the current route; the $route.current.controller
property will give you the constructor function of the current route.
Solution 2:
For those researching how to "unbind" in AngularJS, he is a bit of info (related to the OP's last comment above)
When a view is destroyed, it's basically marked for garbage collection - but it's still there. That is why you are getting multiple requests when a scroll happens - because it's still listening for events.
So the easiest way to deal with this (that I have found, though I'd like to learn of other ways) is to listen for the $destroy event and react on it.
You can "unbind/unlisten" for an event by keeping a reference to what is returned by the $on method. Here is an example taken from a controller:
$scope.systemListener = $rootScope.$on("someEventYouListenTo", function (event, data) {
console.log('Event received by ' + $;
$scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
// Remove the listener$scope.systemListener();
Now those old scopes/views won't react to events anymore.
Hope that helps someone!
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