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Datatables Js, How To Use `ajax` Option With A `callback` Function?

I'm trying to use Currently we load all the table data in advance and do paging on the client side, which is obviously a bad idea, however I was not able to

Solution 1:

It may be useful to summarize the main points in one place, for future visitors to this question:

Server-Side Requests

When using serverSide: true, DataTables sends an Ajax request to your server.

This request is generated automatically by DataTables whenever a table re-draw takes place (and when the table is first initialized). The main actions causing a re-draw are:

  • the user performs a column sort
  • the user performs a search/filter
  • the user navigates to a different table page

There can be other triggers/events which also cause a redraw - but user-initiated sorting, filtering, and paging are the main ones.

The structure of that auto-generated Ajax request is described in the "Sent Parameters" section of this page.

This is how DataTables tells your server what sorting, filtering, or paging action just took place.

Your table will typically have a simple ajax section so DataTables knows where to send this request - for example:

ajax: {
  url: "",
  type: "POST"

Server-Side Responses

Your server-side framework is responsible for processing the data in this request, and for building a response which represents the requested page of results, with the relevant filtering and sorting applied.

This is how server-side processing handles "large volume" data tables: It only ever needs to send back one page of results - maybe 100 records out of 1 million.

It also needs to send some additional data, so that DataTables can display the expected "page information", for example:

Showing 1to10 of 57 entries

The structure of the server's Ajax response is described in the "Returned data" section of this page. This includes recordsTotal and recordsFiltered values, as calculated by the server, as part of building its response data.

Any End-to-End Examples?

The DataTables documentation contains several examples here.

But these focus on the client-side (the DataTable itself).

There is a full (but basic) end-to-end example using PHP as the server-side framework. See the "server-side script" tab on this page.

This short PHP script, in turn, uses this:

require( 'ssp.class.php' );

You can find that additional PHP file on GitHub here. That file shows basic ways to handle sorting, filtering and paging.

If you are using a different server-side technology/framework, then your code will have its own implementation of these features.

What about that Ajax "callback" issue?

The question asks about this:

$('#example').dataTable( {
  "ajax": function (data, callback, settings) {
      JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem('dataTablesData') )
} );

This is one of several variations on how a DataTables Ajax call can be defined. This specific variant is (in my experience) far less commonly used/needed.

Normally, you may only need something like this:

ajax: {
  url: "",
  type: "POST"

But with the callback approach, you can implement any function you wish to return data from your Ajax call. In the above "callback" example, instead of making an HTTP request to some external service such as a web site or REST endpoint, the example pulls its "response" data from the browser's local storage.

This example assumes something has, of course, already put that data into local storage - and it assumes that data already has the correct format for a server-side response (without actually being a true server-side response).

It's basically how you can "fake" an Ajax request without needing to make an Ajax call.

I would not disagree that the wording in the documentation could be a lot clearer, here.

Solution 2:

The question is What is the format of this parameter?

The Answer is here in the documentation for the Returned data

enter image description here

NOTE: I repost the answer which was deleted by @BhargavRao, not sure why since it is the answer to the question, hopefully he will not delete it again.

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