Toggle Image Src Attribute Using Javascript
I am trying to change the HTML image src using Javascript. I have two images Plus.gif and Minus.gif.I have inserted HTML img tag and have written a Javascript function to change th
Solution 1:
See the changes I made to make it working
<scriptlanguage="javascript"type="text/javascript">functionchngimg() {
var img = document.getElementById('imgplus').src;
if (img.indexOf('Plus.gif')!=-1) {
document.getElementById('imgplus').src = 'Images/Minus.gif';
else {
document.getElementById('imgplus').src = 'Images/Plus.gif';
</script><imgid="imgplus"alt=""src="Images/Plus.gif"onmouseover="'pointer'"onclick="chngimg()" />
Hope that resolves your question.
Solution 2:
One way would be to add a toggle variable in your function:
var toggle = false;
functionchngimg() {
if (toggle === true) {
document.getElementById('imgplus').src = 'Images/Minus.gif';
} else {
document.getElementById('imgplus').src = 'Images/Plus.gif';
toggle = !toggle;
Note that it's a better practice to use a sprite for this kind of thing. If you're using two images, the user experience is going to be clunky, because the first time they click the image, there will be a slight delay while the second image loads.
Ideally you would have the two images as a sprite sheet, and be using JQuery. Then you could just do it like this.
<img id="imgplus" src="Images/Sprite.gif" onclick="chngimg()" />
#imgplus.clicked { background-position: 0 -30px; }
functionchngimg() {
Solution 3:
I have successfully used this general solution in pure JS for the problem of toggling an img url:
functiontoggleImg() {
let initialImg = document.getElementById("img-toggle").src;
let srcTest = initialImg.includes('initial/img/url');
let newImg = {
return newImg;
Then call toggleImg() inside whatever event handler you use....
someButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
document.getElementById("img-toggle").src = toggleImg();
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