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Angular Gives Blank Page When I Use Ui.bootstrap In My Controller

I am trying to use the the angular bootstrap when i try to add the dependency in my controller and start the server with grunt serve i get a blank page.Please have a look at the bo

Solution 1:

The reason people are using angular-ui-bootstrap is to avoid using jquery and bootstrap.js (which relies on jquery) and opt for an Angular solution. So my first attempt at getting this app working is to

  • Removejquery.js, jquery-ui.js, and bootstrap.js out of the page.
  • Start from just plain Angular + Angular UI Bootstrap first. Try some examples from if you want to get familiar with the directive usage.
  • Then, if you really need to, just add jquery back in later. But from my experience, you won't really need to if you stick to Angular way of coding. If you come from a strong jquery background and just start coding on Angular, I recommend you read this:

Solution 2:

add ['ui.bootstrap'] on the main app.js

Solution 3:

The component `angular-bootstrap` should have two javascript files: bower_components/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap.js bower_components/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls.js You only include the templates.

Edit: Corrected in the comments.

Use Chrome Canary for easier debugging, you will see the full error message instead of Uncaught object.

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