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How To Sort Date Object In Array?

I want to sort array of objects.I have dates in my object I want to sort the dates of objects I used this answer to solve my problem why array is not sorted in javascript in increa

Solution 1:

The function works fine if you are expecting all dates. Looking at your data there are some invalid dates like "-"

If you can't modify the data or expect a definite date always then you need to mod your function to do something like this (or handle it in some way to your liking)

functionsort_by(field, reverse, primer) {

        var key = primer ?
            function (x) {
            } :
            function (x) {
                return x[field]

        reverse = !reverse ? 1 : -1;

        returnfunction (a, b) {
            a = newDate(key(a))=='Invalid Date'?0:newDate(key(a));
b = newDate(key(b))=='Invalid Date'?0:newDate(key(b));
            return reverse * (a-b);
    } <-- take a look here an plug in the objects that are badly sorted to limit the amount of data

Solution 2:

Here is a working solution, I did not include the primer like you did. But implementing it should be easy.

url: "",
}).done(function(data) {
    var arr;
    var _key =  "Expected_Payment_Date__c";//"akritiv__Promise_Date__c",var _reverse = true;
        var keyA = Date.parse(a[_key]);
        var keyB = Date.parse(b[_key]);
        var _rev = _reverse ? -1 : 1;

        if(keyA < keyB) return _rev * -1;
        if(keyA > keyB) return _rev * 1;

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