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Duplicate Image In Gallery

I have an image gallery that displays all the images inline, and the targeted image displayed bigger elsewhere on the page. The problem I'd like to solve is to make the targeted im

Solution 1:

Here a working example:

Not much JavaScript at all, put it in your <head>:

functionshow(img) {
    document.getElementById('big').innerHTML = '<img src="' + img.src + '" />';   

And add a simple onclick to your images:

<img id="2" onclick="show(this);" src="" />

Don't forget the extra <div> in your HTML:

<div id="big"></div>


It's even possible without JavaScript, but you would need some extra HTML:

Solution 2:

I just add a basic javascript function into your sample like:

functionshowMe(img, size) {
    document.getElementById("content").src = img.src;
    document.getElementById("content").style.width = size + "px";
    document.getElementById("content").style.height = size + "px";

You can see the full change at this JSFiddle. Please help me add some css to beaufity it, ;)

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