How Make A Loop Array Youtube Videos?
I want to loop this video list with image attached: when the last video ends the first one of the list starts, how is it possible to do it? var tag = document.createElement('script
Solution 1:
You may try this. We are starting by creating array of objects first. Then we need to iterate and restrict iterator according to length of our array.
const videos = [
{id : 'RGpr3Y6Q-1M', img : 'image1.png'},
{id : 'btxdcqLOGuc', img : 'mage2.png'},
{id: 'CIx0a1vcYPc' , img : 'mage3.png'},
{id : '6-4KydP92ss' , img : 'mage4.png'}
var num =-1 ;
pickTheVideo =( )=>{
num = num + 1if( num > videos.length -1 ){ num =-1 ; return ( pickTheVideo( ) ) }
return videos[ num ]
for (let index = 0; index < 10 ; index++) {
const videoObj = pickTheVideo() ;
console.log( index , "videoObj" , videoObj )
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