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Observable Of Component Attribute Changes In Angular2

When creating a component in angular 2 that has inputs attributes via @Input, how can I get an observable from the changes made to that attribute @Input (not to be confused with us

Solution 1:

I found out the that BehaviorSubject class enables this scenario the best. Instead of creating a separate backend field, you can use the BehaviorSubject's getValue function to peak at the current value. Then use the backing BehaviorSubject to view as an observable for changes.

export classExampleComponent{
    private _userObject: BehaviorSubject<User> = new BehaviorSubject<User>(null);

    @Input()set userObject(value: User): {; }
    get userObject(): User { returnthis._userObject.getValue(); }

Solution 2:

Try usings a get and a set, valueChanges() below will fire on being set.

private _userObject: User;
  @Input()set userObject(userObject: User) {
    this._userObject = userObject;
  get userObject(): User {

With an Observable:

private userObjectChange = new Subject<User>();
  userObjectChange$ = this.userObjectChange.asObservable();

  private _userObject: User;
  @Input()set userObject(userObject: User) {;
    this._userObject = userObject;
  get userObject(): User {

To subscribe:

this.newQuote.subscribe(user => {...})

Solution 3:

You can use subject for this:

exportclassExampleComponent {
    @Input() setuserObject(userObject: User) {

    private userObject$ = newSubject<User>();

        this.userObject$.subscribe(x=>{ this.doStuff() });

Solution 4:

The best way to check the change of an input is actually by using the ngOnChanges life cycle.

ngOnChanges(changes: { [propertyName: string]: SimpleChange }) {
  const changedInputs = Object.keys(changes);
  // Only update the userObject if the inputs changed, to avoid unnecessary DOM operations.if (changedInputs.indexOf('userObject') != -1) {
  // do something


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