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How Do I Create A Series Of Js/php Drop-down Menus That Automatically Populate Based On A Sql Tree?

I have a tree structure in a SQL database; the tree has four levels, so every node in the Tree is in level 1, 2, or 3, and of course a single root node on level 0. Each database en

Solution 1:

Try testing this exact script to make sure it works, then you can tweak it. I wasn't sure if you needed it to work backwards.. i.e. changing level 1 after level 4 has been selected.


<scriptsrc=""></script><script>// get a dropdown based on the parentname and levelfunctiongetDropdown(parentname, level) {
    var fields = {parentname: parentname, level: level}
    var levelspan = $('span[level='+level+']');
    // show it as loading first

    // use ajax to grab the next dropdown// based on the parentname and level
        // populare the appropriate span// with the dropdown

// bind dropdowns on change
    var t = $(this);

    // get the new parent and levelvar newparent = $("option:selected",this).attr('name');
    var level = t.attr('level');


    // load the first dropdowngetDropdown('initialparent',0);



<?php// here you would have SQL query that // grabs all the rows on $_GET['level']// and where parentname is $_GET['parentname']// then put them in an array called $rows// where the key is the parentname and // value is the title// i'm using a static array for testing -$rows = array('parent1'=>'asdf','parent2'=>'awegwe','parent3'=>'3ggwg');

// get the next level$nextLevel = $_GET['level'] + 1;

echo"<select ";
// dont bind the 4th dropdownif ($_GET['level'] < 3) {
    echo"class='selectDrop' ";
echo"parentname='".$_GET['parentname']."' level='".$nextLevel."'>";
echo"<option name=''>- Level ".$nextLevel." -</option>";
foreach ($rowsas$parentname => $title) {
    echo"<option name='".$parentname."'>".$title."</option>";

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