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How To Ignore All From An Observable If The Other Observable Has Data In RxJS?

I have two observables, one receives data from the browser localstorage and the other is from the database through WebAPI. I want to subscribe to them so if the observable from t

Solution 1:

The local storage observable needs some way to signal that there is no data. If it just "hangs" and never completes, then you might use a timer to complete it:

// Use .amb() instead of .race() if your rxjs version is old
const timer = Observable.timer(1000).ignoreElements();
const lsObservable2 = Observable.race(lsObservable, timer);

This will start a timer and if the local storage observable does not produce a value within 1s, it will end the stream.

If your local storage observable will complete on its own if there is no data, then you can use it as is:

const lsObservable2 = lsObservable;

At this point, we'd really like to use defaultIfEmpty, because that has the semantics you want. Unfortunately it only supports a scalar value for the default, when instead you want to yield a different observable stream. So lets write our own version of defaultIfEmpty which produces a new stream using Observable.defer. We use defer so that each time someone subscribes, we can create a new closure variable (hasValue) and monitor whether or not the source observable produces a value for this subscription

Observable.prototype.defaultObservableIfEmpty = function(defaultObservable) {
    const source = this;
    return Observable.defer(() => {
        let hasValue = false;
        // create a deferred observable that will evaluate to
        // defaultObservable if we have not seen any values, or
        // empty observable if we have seen any values.
        const next = Observable.defer(() => hasValue ? Observable.empty() : defaultObservable);

        // now use do() to set hasValue to true if we see a value from
        // the source observable
        const sourceSetsValue = => hasValue = true);

        // now we can can just concat this sourceSetsValue
        // with out "next" observable.  When the first observable
        // finishes, it will subscribe to "next", which will then
        // either produce the defaultObservable or an empty observable
        return sourceSetsValue.concat(next);

Next, let's assume you've setup your db Observable to not issue the ajax call until it is actually subscribed. This is an important step. Again you can use something like defer:

const dbObservable = Observable.defer(() => makeDbCall());

Then we can use your new operator like so:

const data = lsObservable2.defaultObservableIfEmpty(dbObservable);

So your application code looks like this (once you've added the new operator to your library):

const timer = Observable.timer(1000).ignoreElements();
const lsObservable2 = Observable.race(lsObservable, timer);
const dbObservable = Observable.defer(() => makeDbCall());
const data = lsObservable2.defaultObservableIfEmpty(dbObservable);

Solution 2:

You can use skipWhile and check for the data and return true or false.

observableObject.skipWhile((data)=> {
          return false;

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